Bad Habit!


This is the circle that Toshimi Arina drew under for YYH. If you haven't heard of her, she's a rather famous artist, and her YYH work is usually angst-ridden and yaoi. But some of her stories are sweet, and one of her books is mild, full of Yukina and Hiei, and was just too adorable to resist.

Yuki no Hime Oto
Title : Yuki no Hime Oto (The Secret Sound of Snow)
Published : 10/Oct/1992 Size : B5
Comments : Well, if this isn't just the most delicious Yukina and Hiei dj ever! I wasn't much of a YYH fan when I first saw it, but after I read the translation at YYH Djs in English, I couldn't help myself. It took me a while to locate it, but it finally showed up at Aestheticism. ^_^ This is really lovely. Bittersweet stories and gorgeous production values. (And there's a story which is the closest Arina ever came to a MukuroxHiei, even if she does make Mukuro waffle a bit about how Hiei and Kuruma are a couple. :P) [76 pgs]

Bad Habit!