Bad Habit!


Very rough artwork seems the trademark of this circle. They used to have a website up with artwork from several series, but unfortunately it seems to have gone down. They seem to be a fairly new circle, but I can't tell for sure. I do know that I rather like their style. They also have a Valkyrie Profile doujinshi in their info section that I think they contributed to, if not authored. I've seen some scans from it and it's very nice. ^_^ I'll be keeping a look-out for it.

Possibly Sale/Trade Willing
Title : N.P
Published :2000 Size : B5
Comments : Some serious stories, but mainly bizarrely funny humour stories. The artwork is very alive and some of the illustrations very, very nice. There are a few gorgeous pictures of Boogiepop Phantom. This amuses me every time I look through it. ^_^ [30 pgs]

Bad Habit!