Bad Habit!

Pink Diamond

Pink Diamond did a lot of very cutesy Briefs family doujinshi, and some VxB and GxCC as well. Since they did a reasonable amount they're quite well known, and although their artwork isn't as good as some, it's quite typical for DB doujinshi of the age they were made in, and their stories are actually rather interesting. I got the one doujinshi I have of theirs out of curiousity. It's not often you see an A/U doujinshi, and I wanted to see how the author had pulled it off.

Yukyu no Kudou 3
Sale/Trade Willing
Title : Yukyu no Kudou 3 (Beat of Eternity 3)
Published : 25/May/1997 Size : A5
Comments : This is the final volume in the Yukyu no Kudou trilogy. Bulma is still trying to cope with Chibi-Vejiita and some of the things that come with him (such as Nappa), when she is found by Trunks and Vejiita. Of course she's estatically happy and leaps into Vejiita's arms. Chibi-Vejiita is jealous and starts to fight Vejiita. Although Bulma tries to stop them, the fight goes ahead and Chibi-Vejiita loses (of course). Bulma consoles him and leaves, and Chibi-Vejiita puts back on his cape and starts to again lead his life down the path it was going before Bulma appeared, but maybe not exactly the same.... [50 pgs]

Bad Habit!