Bad Habit!


Page 4 of the VejiBuru-y goodness. Yum!

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Yottsu no Onegai
Title : Yottsu no Onegai [Book 22] (Four Wishes)
Published : 29/Mar/1997 Size : B5
Comments : Ooh, this is good. It's a 4-koma book, made up of years of 4-koma in Kuri's early books and the 4-koma they put in other group's books as guests. Some seem new as well, but I can't be sure. It's lots of fun, mostly naughty, but still cleaner than some of their other books. Plenty of Bulma shocking Vejiita, Vejiita annoying Bulma, Mirai Trunks pining after Bulma (hey, what's joke incest compared to shota/loli?), and other hilarity. You can also see how Kuri's art gets better. Around the end it's so delicious... it's beyond words. The sample picture says it all. (O_O So gorgeous...) [92 pgs]

Brown Cherry
Title : Brown Cherry [Book 23]
Published : 16/Aug/1997 Size : B5
Comments : This has several long stories, two of which are semi-explicit adult and one is just sweet. There are also lots of 4-koma & gags (as usual), as well as a cosplay picture of V&B dressed up in uniforms from Star Trek : DS9, and a page of pictures of Kurizaki-san's favourite anime girls. (Including Mukuro! :D I love Mukuro!) Fans of Hito Livky (Ryujin-Kai) should take note as she has a 4-koma and an adult illustration in this. [52 pgs]

Title : Rababuru [Book 26] (Loveable)
Published : 29/Dec/1998 Size : B5
Comments : One of their last four books. ;_; Ohhhh~ the agony! This one is winter themed. There are lots of short comics and 4-komas but the two main stories, Sweet Pain and Love Affair are the bulk of the book. The first is a conversation between Vejiita and Bulma on a cold night before Bulma goes out somewhere. It's cute. In Love Affair, Vejiita and Bulma are travelling somewhere alone in one of the CC pods and Vejiita has time to contemplate Bulma a bit. [44 pgs]

Title : Sainoro [Book 27]
Published : 14/Aug/1999 Size : B5
Comments : The last book before the K&Q compilation. This one's theme is summer! Vejiita and Bulma have a discussion while Vejiita is sheltering from the heat of the day. (Cats are all over him.) In the second story, Vejiita beats up Trunks for something (I haven't really tried to make this one out), and in my favourite, Bulma is sunbathing on her tummy with her bra undone so there won't be lines on her back. When she starts to roll over, Vejiita instantly claps his hands over her breasts so she won't be exposed... unfortunately, although she doesn't wake up, little Trunks comes up on them in that situation... poor Vejiita. There's a little more to this, but basically, this is some of the best-drawn and funniest VxB I've seen. [24 pgs]

Bad Habit!