Bad Habit!


Not a circle I'm familiar with. ^_^; But, being a bit of a Hermione enthusiast, and a lover of beautiful artwork, I took the plunge and got it, even though I know that can yield some bad results. I did recieve a circle paper with this doujinshi, so I know they've done another HP book called Pure Honey in the Bottles. I think the artist's name is Enma-san.

old crescent
Title : old crescent
Published : 30/Mar/2003 Size : B5
Comments : This is one story about Hermione, and also about Harry and Ron. The art style is very interesting. Although the cover has complex colour, in black and white the characters are simple, and a little stylized. There's a noticeable lack of screentone and the page layouts use large boxes. It all has the effect of making the whole book very minimalist. But the backgrounds are very interesting, they look as though they're photocopies, although they've clearly been drawn by the artist. As for the story... ^_^; Ron and Harry talk, and Hermione recieves a letter from Ron. She is talking and reflecting on several things, but I can't tell if she's talking to someone else or herself. I like this book, overall. [20 pgs]

Bad Habit!