Bad Habit!

DB Event Pamphlet

I got this to satisfy my own curiousity and found it so interesting I thought I'd share it here. This is a pamphlet for a Dragon Ball Doujinshi Only Event held in March 2003. It has cuts of art and information (like website and e-mail addresses) for each circle attending, but most interesting, it has the results of a 15-question quiz that was responded to by 61 Japanese Dragonball fans. It's really interesting to see what the opinions of current fans in Japan are, so long after the series has ended. As for whether it would be possible to find another copy of this pamphlet, I think it's unlikely, but it was only a short while ago the event was held, at least as I'm writing this.

Title : Survive!
Published : 9/Mar/2003 Size : A5
Comments : Most of the circles in this book are newer ones, and their art doesn't quite match up to some of the "Greats" of Dragonball doujin artists. However, there are also a smattering of older circles still there, such as No-Next, Fusuma Goten, Ryujin-kai, and several others. As for the questionnaire, it had interesting questions about favourite and least favourite characters, favourite couplings, whether they had watched the DB anime or read the manga, the most probable blood type for each character (remember in Japan blood types are said to be an indicator of personality type), the best real-life actor to play each DB character, and whether the respondant prefered getting their DB fix (my words ^_^) offline (Doujinshi) or online (Fansites). I'd like to give a summary of everything but I don't really have the room. But Gokou won 'best character', Furiza won 'worst character', and GokouxChichi won 'favourite couple'. ^_^ (With KakaxVege and VegexBulma tying in second place, although BulmaxVegeta got another 2 votes...) And what was a nice surprise to me, was that no-one even voted for Bulma as 'worst character'! Ore wa genki dayo! [44 pgs]

Survive Event Site:

Bad Habit!